Re: RTL8188CUS based wifi working, anyone?
by MrEngman » Wed Aug 08, 2012 5:38 pm
I have updated the rtl8188cus driver so it doesn't output the loads of debug info it has been doing.
I have also finally updated my script so it now works with XBian. The script will allow you to install the wifi pretty much automatically. It will ask a couple of questions regarding the network security mode and network name and password but other than that that's about all you need to get the wifi running if you have a wired network connection.
Unlike with other distributions the script will NOT run apt-get upgrade or rpi-update. Running rpi-update on XBian will change the running version of linux from 3.2.21 to 3.1.9 which is not a good idea.
The script is available here -
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/80256631/install-rtl8188cus-latest.sh There are some instructions available here -
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/80256631/install-rtl8188cus.txt - to help make an SD card and some info on running the script.
If you have a wired internet connection to the Pi power on and when notified use Cntl-C to stop running XBMC and enter terminal mode. Download the script using the command
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/80256631/install-rtl8188cus-latest.sh -O /boot/install-rtl8188cus-latest.sh
This will download the script and install it in the /boot directory.
Start the script using the command
The script will also install the wifi on a Pi without a network connection but you will need to download a number of files as well as the script and copy them all to the /boot directory of the SD card before it will install the wifi. Download the script and the other files needed onto the machine used to generate the SD card and copy them to the /boot directory of the SD card. There is a list of the files needed at the end of this post.
Insert the SD card into the Pi and power on. Use Cntl-C to enter termnal mode before XBMC starts. To run the script use the command
Follow the instructions on screen to install the wifi adapter. You will be asked for the type of network security used, either unsecured, WEP or WPA/WPA2. You will then be asked for the network name (SSID) and if WEP or WPA/WPA2 for the password.
If you used a Windows system to make your SD card image view the SD card using Windows Explorer and the Linux /boot directory is the one you see displayed. It will be about 74.8MB and look like the image below. Copy all the files and the script to that directory.
To install without a network connection in addition to the script the files you will need are:
http://archive.raspbian.org/rasp ... zip_6.0-7_armhf.deb
http://archive.raspbian.org/rasp ... 30~pre9-8_armhf.deb
http://archive.raspbian.org/rasp ... 30~pre9-8_armhf.deb
http://archive.raspbian.org/rasp ... 0_3.2.7-4_armhf.deb
http://archive.raspbian.org/rasp ... 0_3.2.7-4_armhf.deb
http://archive.raspbian.org/rasp ... 1_1.8.4-1_armhf.deb
http://archive.raspbian.org/rasp ... ant_1.0-2_armhf.deb
Copy the files to the /boot directory of the SD card before running the script. If the script can't find any files it needs it will tell you what it wants and then abort. Copy the files requested to the SD card /boot directory and re-run the script to continue the installation.
Posts: 14
Joined: Tue Aug 07, 2012 3:11 am
http://forum.xbian.org/viewtopic ... 12&start=10
但x-bian0.6不成功,主要是0.6上 uname -a后的版本号和角本不匹配,执行不下去。0.5版本如果是3.1.9+应当可以成功。